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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  March 30, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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the metro shut down may not be the only time it happens. a cyber attack is still impacting med star. >> patients are being forced to change their appointments. chris gordon is live at med star georgetown university hospital. he's got the latest. >> reporter: med star is reporting progress. they tell us that three main clinical information systems supporting patient care are moving toward full restoration. they say that this will reduce disruptions in appointments, but one patient contacted us today to say his conversation with med star left him shocked at how little progress he believes is being made. the patient doesn't want to be identified. >> i called the hospital yesterday, tuesday to reconfirm my appointment understanding full well that their computer systems were down, and
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we can't do anything. i said can you write my name, date of birth, appointment time down and fax this to the internal medicine department? no, we can't even do that. >> reporter: ahead on news4 at 35 5:00, you will hear the message med star left on that patient's phone which he says indicates the challenges still being faced in patient care. that's coming up at 5:00. pat, back to you. >> chris gordon. thank you, chris. right now we are already seeing some street closures and sidewalks sealed off before the nuclear security summit here in washington. over the next few days world leaders will be gathering in downtown at the convention center. news4's pat collins is live. he's in the area with what it's going to mean for all of us. pat? >> reporter: these are some of the security fences lining streets around the washington
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they're about eight feet tall. pretty imposing, huh? for the next couple days this area is going to be airtight securitywise. why people who live near the convention center will have to show some i.d. just to get in their own homes. and then there will be the road closures. roughly a 20-block area from 6th street on the east to 11th street on the west. from k street on the south up to o street on the north. road closures will begin around 7:00 tonight. now, a few minutes ago i talked to chris geldart. he's the guy who guided us through the blizzard, so if he can do that, well, he can handle this. this is some advice he has for us. >> traffic is going to be tough for the next couple days in this immediate area. there's going to be a lot of road closures. new york avenue, 9th street as we see behind us here,
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street, difficult to traverse this area. we're asking folks to take this into account and if they're coming into this area on thursday or friday, try to make some alternative plans. >> reporter: now, these are some of the road closures listed here. it would take me about three hours to read it. if you want to see it, go to our website. what's it going to be like to live here? what's it going to be like to do business here over the next couple of days? i'll have more on that coming up at 5:00. chris, back to you. >> wow. thanks, pat. pedestrians not exempt from this one. a man in howard county a facing charges after allegedly paying an undercover detective to kill his wife. aafaq manejwala was arrested in laurel after police got a tip he wanted his wife dead. the informant arranged a meeting with an undercover officer. police say manejwala offered the officer $15,000 to murder his wife and discussed a plan to make it look like a botched burglary. manejla
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solicitation of first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder. we're also learning new details on the report of a newborn baby left in a bag on someone's porch. you saw the breaking news alert from the nbc washington app, but now hagerstown police say it was a false report. the girl who said she found the baby actually gave birth to the child. she apparently had the baby girl inside the home on frederick street. now the baby is at the hospital and is okay. police say no charges will be filed against the girl. two more meetings on the hill today for supreme court nominee merrick garland. he met with democratic senators kristin gillibrand and al franken. of the 54 republican senators, only three have said they would be open to having a hearing. at least 15 of them say they will meet with garland. democrats are urging a vote on the nominee. republicans believe the next president should fill that empty seat. "first at 4," the metro shutdown earlier this mon
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signal more disruptions ahead. metro's general manager was at a summit with area leaders and said the system can't keep going from crisis to crisis. paul wiedefeld said there are no easy solutions. metro may have to shut down entire lines for months. adam tuss reported extended shutdowns are possible in order to let crews get in and fix some of the issues. wiedefeld is working on a plan to fix those problems. the details of which we'll be hearing about over the next few weeks. now a developing story. two white minneapolis police officer will not be criminally charged in the deadly shooting of a black man. some community activists say they don't accept the prosecutor's decision. the shooting of jamar clark last year sparked weeks of protests. police say they were forced to shoot after clark reached for an officer's gun. witnesses said clark was handcuffed when he was shot. today's decision not to charge officers mark
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dustin schwartzy came without a grand jury. the evidence showed the officers feared for their lives. >> the use of deadly force is justified if the officer reasonably believes that death or great bodily harm to himself or another will likely result if he does not act. >> protesters are calling for city and state leaders to do more about persistent poverty seen as major contributor to racial tension in the region. the state is considering funneling millions for a job training loan and other programs to combat poverty. tonight won't be as cold as it was last night. overnight lows will dip into the upper 40s to low 50s. we're currently at 61 degrees. that's also our high temperature so far today. a little breezy out there, and it's going to remain a bit breezy overnight tonight but nice this evening. 7:00 a temperature around 59. by
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mid-50s. nice night to fire up the grill or take the dog for a walk. by 11:00 a temperature around 54 and a few clouds out there during the overnight hours. now, there is the chance for some scattered showers later in the day tomorrow. that rain intensity increasing a little bit on friday with the potential for some more moderate rain. i'll have the latest timing on the rain chances and we're also noticing windy conditions tomorrow. i'll let you know when the winds die back down in the full forecast. >> thanks, amelia. boy, oh, boy, it's getting bumpy out there. "first at 4," how you can make sure crews smooth out the potholes in your neighborhood. and new campaign controversy. what happened to a protester at one candidate's rally that's raising a lot of questions this afternoon? "first at 4."
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wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special.
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le for the content of this advertising.
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it's pothole season and if you live or drive in the district, now is the time to report the potholes you're seeing and hitting. ddot is gearing up for the annual pothole pa lolooza. go to the nbc washington app to learn how to report. z dot h big changes could be coming to union station. these are live pictures of the station right now. the washington union station expansion project is working on ways to expand and modernize the hub to give you a better experience and here is what you can look forward to. a realignment of
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concourse facilities and better infrastructure. they are looking at the potential environmental impact of this project. virginia governor terry mcauliffe vetoed a bill he says would legalize discrimination against transgender people. it would have prohibited the state from punishing religious groups. the governor says protections are already available. "first at 4," the new campaign concerns for a republican front runner donald trump and what he just told nbc news that's already getting strong reaction from both sides of the aisle. and why it may not be your imagination. if driving in the dark is so difficult, which cars may nd better eehe
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narrator: all that political mail mlet's simplify.lming. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model, to move the ball forward." kathleen: i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message.
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"first at 4," donald trump tells msnbc, quote, there has to be some form of punishment for abortion. the comment comes amid other controversy. trump is blaming the reporter who was grabbed by his campaign manager. trump told fox news today that the reporter shouldn't have been grabbing him. his campaign manager is now charged with battery and police in wisconsin are looking for a man who pepper sprayed a 15-yol
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rally. the divide among republicans is only getting wider. neither trump, ted cruz, or john kasich say they will definitely support the party's nominee, but all three said they would early in the race. whur's troy johnson is here for our "talk around town" and we're talking trump. when you hear from your listeners, are they of one mind when it comes to trump's campaign style? >> not at all. a lot of people unhappy in general with a lot of the rhetoric they're hearing from all the candidates, so it's not just donald trump, but donald trump seems to be taking the cake in terms of what really is catching their ear and they're not liking what they're hearing. other folks i spoke to say they are looking past a lot of this tv sound bite stuff and they'reb
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tuesday donald trump laid a marker in the sand and said his goal is to get 25% of the black vote. whatever you think about donald trump, at least he put his marker down and we have something to judge him by. so those are the three reasons why i think the black community will support donald trump. >> renard making some pretty strong statements there. i also talked to c.j. jordan. she's a republican strategist. she thinks that the economic message that donald trump is talking about will resonate with african-americans as well, but that means at least from the folks that i talk to, you're going to have to look past an awful lot of rhetoric to get down and drill do t
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>> yeah. >> what are they saying to you about the charges filed against his campaign manager for grabbing that young woman, the reporter? >> that got a mixed reception from folks i talked to. some say they feel like it's a bit overblown. obviously a situation that happened but they kind of feel like is it about all of this? they say the tape doesn't really show a particularly rough situation but they're noting it's one of many situations trump has had to deal with. >> and i want to get to this teenager, the 15-year-old. she went to a trump event to protest and support the black lives matter movement and she got pepper sprayed. what kind of message does that send? >> that's resonating with people. they're thinking about those situations, the situation where a gentleman was punched at a trump event. those are the kinds of things that they're saying they're upset about. people have theight to express themselves at a rally. they've seen candidates at other rallies have been interrupted but they don't see a situation like this where not only the
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candidate is seeing a situation evolve in front of him at an event but then he's not denouncing it, not saying anything about it. that kind of response is not weighing well with african-american voters that i spoke to. >> not trying to put out the fire necessarily. >> exactly. >> okay. all right. whur's troy johnson, thank you. when it comes to the other gop candidates, they're going back on a pledge they made earlier in the race. pat just mentioned this. steve handelsman is going to have more on that from capitol hill later here on news4. turning now to the weather. well, the wind sort of died down today and the cherry blossoms are holding on, but, amelia, how long is that going to last? >> unfortunately, pat, not very long. it's a little bit breezy out there right now. gusts from 20 to 25 miles an hour. so it's a bit breezy. but we're tracking windy conditions throughout the day tomorrow. winds out of the south so we'll bring in warmer air. we're kind of trading off more wind for warmer temperatures. on friday it's breezy. saturday it's breezy as well. sunday it's windy again
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finally by monday winds not an issue. we've been dealing with blustery conditions this entire workweek and that's going to continue to be the case right into the weekend. temperature right now at 61 degrees. southerly winds sustained at 15 miles an hour with mostly sunny skies. the weather having a low impact on your day tomorrow. mostly cloudy skies and there's a chance of scattered showers later in the day so have that small umbrella handy especially during the evening, later evening, and overnight hours, but most if not all of the day is looking dry. so if you have outdoor plans, looking quite nice. 7:00 a.m. the temperature around 51 degrees. so not as cold as tornado watches -- it was this morning. temperatures by lunchtime in the mid-60s, low 70s by the afternoon. a high tomorrow of 73, and then tomorrow evening at 7:00 a.m. a temperature of 71 degrees. at that point the chance of widely scattered showers. better chance of rain on friday, especially for the first half of the day into the early afternoon hours. here is the latest with future weather.
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dry but by 8:00, 9:00 a.m. showers move in impacting your friday morning commute, potentially continuing into the midday and early afternoon hours. unfortunately, we could see rain ling near the evening hours now, but i think only about a 30% to 40% chance you're dealing with rain on your friday night. and a bit breezy otherwise. now, as the rain moves through, especially around the morning, midday, and early afternoon hours we could see high winds producing isolated wind damage and there's a potential low to moderate for heavy rain but we won't be talking about any tornadoes and a low risk we're seeing any hail. temperatures right now in the low to mid-60s. 61 in leesburg. 64 in manassas. 54 over in annapolis. on friday a high of 76 degrees. looking at the weekend, some rain now in the forecast on lauryn will have or on what area this looks to favor on saturday. sunday cooler with a high of
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that high of 53 will feel more like 40s, chhanks. this could be a game-changer for georgetown. the decades old law that was just overturned th edoverturned. there could be more restaurants. plus the breathing break through for many people w ho ♪ he's begun forgetting words. forgetting where he lives. but when the day comes when he forgets who i am,
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the first time we said i love you we didn't use words. we simply held each other's hands. we still are. i lost my dad to alzheimer's. preventing alzheimer's is within our grasp. let's double the budget of nih and get it done. i'm david trone and i approve this message. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row.
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allergy season is asthma season. half of all people who have asthma also have allergies. right now severe asthma attacks are on the rise. in news4 your health, new asthma treatments that aren't inhaled, they're injected. dr. jackie is here with some details. so this a brand new category of drugs just recently approved. >> that's right. they're called bibiologics. they go after the allergy cell the same way that cancer is treated with chemotherapy. very targeted stopping the inflammation that causes asthma. >> how often do you get the injections and do you still use your inhalers? >> that's a great question. so you get the injections depending what it is once or twice a month. it's meant for severe asthmatics which means they're on their maintenance daily inhalers and you add this to it. >> so can you get this from your primary care physician or do you need to go to
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>> you need to go to a specialist, an asthma specialist, and they will do a couple tests to see if it's appropriate for you to be on this medicine. we're talking about a lot of people actually. it's 1 in 12 people. it's actually on the rise. there are more than half of them will have an asthma attack in a year. there are women much more than men. african-americans have more severe attacks and particularly have longer hospitalizations, and let's not forget ten people a day die of asthma. that's who we're really trying to get to with these medications. >> far more common than many people realize. >> yes. >> what about children? >> so children is another big population again, and they are particularly at risk. they're the ones that miss the most school. these drugs are only approved for kids 12 and older for right now. >> so the younger children can't get the asthma shot. >> studies are being done for their particular shots. >> i took allergy shots for about ten years and i need to be taking them now. do they help asthmatics? >> they actually do, and that's something that's really not
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that's been around for 100 years. it's the original asthma shot. it will particularly help kids that have allergies but don't have asthma yet. it can stop them from growing into asthma and then it will definitely help adults and kids that already have asthma. for people that don't like taking medication, it's an important thing to realize that this is very natural. they're just taking pollen and dust and they build up their tolerance. it's another way to do a shot to take care of your asthma. >> it takes a little while to build up that immunity. >> it takes a little while. so there's the old stuff, the new stuff, there's a lot of stuff out there to treat this very important population. >> that's good news. thank you, dr. jackie. >> you're welcome. chris? they're supposed to keep you safe when you drive at night but chances are they're not helping as much as they could be. the study that's raising concerns about a lot of models of cars. speaking of driving, it's not going to be easy to get around town over the next few days. we'll tell you what you need to know "first at 4."
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wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ as a small business owner, here's one thing you can rely on: your business will change as it grows. whether its new space, more employees, or better equipment, things have a way of moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you down.
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i'm wendy rieger at the live desk where right now we have chopper4 over a house on fire in haymarket. this is on poplar street. we're working to get information on how this fire started, if anyone is or was inside the home when it started. back to you. it has been a busy day for firefighters. we're learning new details about a deadly fire in the district. it broke out around
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block of sedgwick street northwest. there was only one person inside, a man in his 50s. we're still waiting to learn his identity. and there was another deadly fire today in montgomery county. investigators there trying to piece together how this blaze started. >> two people managed to get out of the home on windjammer way but a man who lived in the basement did not. news4's kristin wright is talking to neighbors who say they knew the victim. >> i'm just devastated. >> reporter: lynn korn has lost a friend. firefighters found his body in the townhouse apartment he rented on windjammer way in gaithersburg. he was in the basement the debris. lynn spoke to him just two days ago. >> cleaned up his life and i told him that i miss seeing him, that i'd like to come over and bring him something to eat. >> reporter: the fire was so intense and wouldn't go out. firefighters initially thought gas was fueling the flames. >> it's just like having a candle continuously burning that u
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upstairs got out. firefighters thought everyone was accounted for until they found the body after midnight. this morning engineers gave firefighters the okay to go back in, and now investigators are trying to figure out how the fire started. >> he's in my prayers. >> she says he had trouble moving around, and that might have made it more difficult for him to get out. in gaithersburg, kristin wright, news4. right now dozens of world leaders are on their way to d.c. to take parted in the nuclear security summit. we've been warning you about the impending road closures and parking restrictions around the washington convention center. the summit doesn't start until tomorrow but we're already seeing evidence of stepped up security. take a look at those eight-foot fences going up around the convention center. open our nbc washington app for a full list of road closures. news4's melissa mollet has been looking at which streets to avoid. >> just a reminder for you with the security summit here coming into
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road closures in northwest. avoid streets around the convention center from 7:00 tonight until about noon saturday. we're talking about the roads right around the convention center and some of the offshoots as well, 7th street, 9th street, m m street as well. speaking of metro, all trains, all lines will be running but the green and yellow station, mt. vernon square there, will be shut down starting this evening, march 30th, until april 1st. then it will reopen. trains will still go through, the station just will not be open. i'll see you tomorrow morning for news4 today. >> thanks, melissa. a man from prince george's county will be getting out of prison early. one of the dozens of inmates granted clemency by president obama. the president announced he's shortening the sentences of 61 people, all serving times for drug-related charges including byron mcdade from
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now he will be released in july. so far the president has commuted nearly 250 sentences during his time in office. well, it doesn't matter how much you spend on your car. a higher price tag is no guarantee you will get good headlights. that's according to a new report out today. consumer reporter susan hogan is in the newsroom with details. >> for the first time ever the insurance institute for highway safety tested and rated headlights on more than two dozen 2016 midsized cars. the results are dismal. if you're having trouble seeing behind the wheel at night, it could very well be your head sights and not your eyes that are to blame. according to the study shtion11e 31 rated 4 and they rated only one as good, the prius v. the low beams cover almost 400
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time to spot an obstacle and stop. the bmw 3 had the lowest scoring headlight system only able to light up 128 feet ahead. >> our tests show that you can't predict performance by the type of headlight. we see a wide range of performance coming from halogens, hi d, l.e.d., and curb adaptive headlight systems. >> bmw says it has been an industry leader for headlight technology and innovation. while it's disappointed with the results of the headlight test, it remains confident it offers customers very effective headlight systems at a variety of price points. now, the test revealed many of the poor rated headlights belonged to luxury vehicles. the institute also says about half of traffic deaths occur in the dark and improved headlights have the potential to substantially reduce fatalities. in the newsroom, susan hogan,
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well, there has been a moratorium on new liquor license in georgetown for nearly 30 years, but now all that is coming to an end. the district's alcohol licensing board voted today to end the moratorium that's been in place since 1988. it affects new liquor licenses for restaurants or even public spaces like theaters and galleries. the ban on nightclubs and taverns will stay in place. back in the 1980s georgetown residents objected to a dramatic increase in bars in the historic area, but now restaurants can start applying for those new liquor licenses on april 9th. well, it was a beautiful day out there today. did get a little on the breezy side as we made it into the afternoon and we're looking at pretty gusty winds out there, but the thing is they're coming out of the south. so that means temperatures shooting on up. we're at 61 here in d.c. look at that southerly wind right the
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we've got plenty of sunshine, just a good looking day across the region. high pressure responsible for all this sunshine we're seeing out there. i do believe clouds are going to increase tonight, and then we've got some big changes for tomorrow, but not until tomorrow. so get out and enjoy it. if you're going for a run, maybe going to see the cherry blossoms, it's going to be a little breezy but it's going to be beautiful as we get into the late evening. as we head into tomorrow, a different story. more clouds and possibly some rain. we'll time it out for you coming up. >> well, we are working for you in the community and honoring some unsung heros in the district. women, sheros we call them. i had the honor of emceeing a ceremony at the arc in southeast washington. this award recognizes the work of women who quietly work behind the scenes to improve the lives of those around them. women who are often not seen a. among the
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guard, a d.c. fire dispatcher. we have a complete list of all of the wonderful women honored and more about this wonderful program in our nbc washington app. just search impact awards. it's not what you might expect in the classroom. how students are getting a unique blend of art and science. and we're looking back at what happened 35 years ago right here in washington. something that could have changed the cour se
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tdowns threatening federal workers; over 60 votes to repeal obamacare. now they're refusing to even consider president obama's nominee for the supreme court. it disrespects the president and all of us -- and we won't put up with it. in congress, i'll protect president obama's legacy, defend obamacare, and stand up for social security and medicare. i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message. i'll take on republicans - for all of us.
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president obama and vice president biden held their last easter prayer breakfast at the white house today. they spoke about faith and fear and they urged people to stand against terrorist groups responsible for recent attacks in pakistan and belgium. the president said those attacks were meant to weaken our faith. >> these attacks can foment fear and division. they can tempt us to cast out the stranger. that's the intent of the terrorists, to weaken our best impulses, our better angels. >> the president said easter is an ideal time to drown out darkness with light and to heal
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35 years ago today d.c. and really the nation and the world were shocked by an assassination attempt on president ronald reagan. reagan was hit by one of the six bullets fired by john hinckley jr. he was in the hospital for 12 days. press secretary james brady and secret service agent tim mccarthy was seriously injured. hinckley was acquitted after a jury found him mentally unstable. >> we won't soon forget that day. >> no. and i think a lot of people forget how early that was in reagan's presidency, and you think if he had died that day, all of the changes that came about during the next, what, seven years may not have happened the way they did. >> and, of course, that day, you know, to have something like that happen here in washington so close to us was very, very
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happened here in the nation's capital, that it could happen here. that, in fact, it had. and, of course, we were all scrambling. i was in the newsroom. we watched it, realized it had happened, and then everybody went scrambling trying to get down there and figure out what was going on. >> every time my wife and i drive by there, my wife always points it out, that's where reagan was shot. airport security canning stressful, time consuming. "first at 4," the federal program to make air travel faster and easier. is it working? >> that's the question. and strong new remarks about abortion. add that to protests, criminal charges, and questions over party loyalty. the big new concerns just taking over the race for the white use. ho
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time magazine called chris van hollen "a hero to environmentalists, education groups, and gun control advocates" for his accomplishments as a young legislator. now a respected leader in congress and key ally of president obama, protecting planned parenthood and social security... chris van hollen is the only candidate who fought the wall street banks and the nra...and won. that's why he's endorsed by the post as the "talented successor" to senator mikulski who will "deliver results." i'm chris van hollen, and i approve this message. i'm chris van hollen, fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network...
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over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. right now, get super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can.
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my husband was saying, okay, i got kidnapped. >> for the first time we are hearing the hair sewirrowing acf a passenger who suddenly became a hostage. we're looking at the temperatures rising into the 60s right now, but we have rain and clouds on the way as well as a warm-up. we'll talk you all through it coming up. now to a controversial story. more controversial comments by na
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abortion. >> yeah. it was an msnbc town hall. he told chris matthews the procedure should be illegal and once it is, women who have abortions, should be punished. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle? >> the answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> yeah. there has to be some form. >> the town hall has not yet aired. the trump statement is so controversial it's already dominating today's political news. steve handelsman is live on capitol hill with the latest on this. >> reporter: hi, pat and chris. this is sure to rock the race for the white house. donald trump squirmed. he didn't want to answer this question. he did want to say and has said before he wants abortion made illegal. so have all the other republican candidates. but trump pressed about punishment, he said, yes, there should be some of what trump called, some form of punishment. interviewed by chris matt
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msnbc, donald trump said he wants abortion made illegal. on the consequences he hedged. >> should the woman be punished for having an abortion? >> look -- >> this is not something you should dodge. do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle? >> the answer is there has to be some form of punishment. >> to the woman? >> yeah. there has to be some form. >> reporter: trump's rival john kasich is anti-abortion. >> of course women shouldn't be punished. >> reporter: and hillary clinton tweeted just when you think it couldn't get worse, horrific and telling. >> reporter: trump is angry that party leaders might let former candidate marco rubio keep control of his delegates. to deny trump his first ballot convention victory. trump washing what the party could lose if he leaves. >> tremendous numbers of democrats that like trump. tremendous numbers of independents and something that i love, people that
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voted before. >> reporter: ted cruz was in madison today. >> women are a majority of the united states, and every issue is a woman's issue. >> reporter: an issue sure to resonate now that trump has called for punishing women who have illegal abortions. cruz incidentally did not condemn what trump said about punishing women because, cruz said, trump is not really pro-life. cruz has made his anti-abortion stance a key part of his candidacy. voters get to weigh in next tuesday in wisconsin where today ted cruz leads donald trump by ten points in the latest poll. i'm steve handelsman, news4. pat and chris? >> thank you, steve. different campaign tactics today for the two democrats running for the presidential nomination despite the wisconsin vote next tuesday. hillary clinton was in new york three weeks ahead of the primary there. clinton told supprs
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of course, she was a senator there before becoming secretary of state. bernie sanders campaigned in wisconsin where the latest poll shows him leading clinton. he's making clinton's connection to bad trade deals a focal point in speeches there. the tsa's precheck program was supposed to allow passengers to fly through security lines, but not enough people are signing up and that means longer lines in the standard lanes. folks who enroll in precheck are able to enjoy expedited screening. the precheck lanes can screen 300 passengers an hour, twice that of standard lanes. but because enrollment is lagging, you can expect massive lines this summer. airlines are warning passengers to arrive at least two hours early. and now your storm team4 forecast. >> what a beautiful day it was out there today. we have plenty of sun, we had warming temperatures, and now we've got some changes on the way. we're still going to be warm. we're just going to see some changes.
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we're not going to have that abundant sunshine like we did today and we're going to introduce rain as we have some pretty unsettled weather headed our way. not as cold tomorrow morning as it was this morning. those temperatures in the 30s in some spots, most spots. some areas below the freezing mark. unsettled weather is returning pretty much all the way through the weekend. starting tomorrow and going through the weekend and we're going to be pretty breezy or windy really depending what day we're talking about. now, we're breezy out there right now. we've got wind gusts up to about 30 miles an hour. they're going to fall a little bit during the overnight, but the good news is that wind is coming from the south so that kicks up our temperature. we're talking about temperatures in the 60s right now. 61 in washington. 66 in fredericksburg. so nice on the water. i am so sorry, annapolis, you have been stuck in the 50s through much of the day. lows overnight. now, this is where we're calling to. annapolis a little cooler, but everybody else the upper 40s to lower 50s. that's where we'll start
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have out there. if you want to go ahead and take a gander outside about 8:55, we have the international space station crossing from the southwest to the northeast. that will be at 8:55. i will post something about it on my social media account under lauryn ricketts. breezy and cloudy tomorrow and then warm with spotty showers in the afternoon. take that umbrella with you because, again, spotty rain showers late. temperatures in the 70s. so all in all not that bad. low to mid-70s for much of us again with plenty of clouds and it looks like it's going to rain for much of the day although we just have some spotty showers. here we go, 12:30. again, we're looking good but here comes the rain. most likely it's going to happen after about 6:00 or 7:00. could even have some thunderstorms as we get into friday. we're keeping that chance for rain through friday again with some thunderstorms possible. friday's temperature still going to be in the 70s despite the rain. so just some showers on thursday night. friday a better chance for some moderate rain so you're going to need the umbrella
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80% chance of rain. now this is something amelia had to introduce. we have chances of rain on saturday. look at this, saturday 9:00 a.m. i know we have the kite festival for the cherry blossom festival. it looks like we could have rain through much of the day south and east of i-95 but we will keep the chance of rain through much of the day and temperatures on sunday in the low 50s. a robotics team from bull run middle school competing for national honors. a trail safety system designed by children at loudoun valley high school is sparking competition for a national award. both groups are s.t.e.m. students, that's science, technology, engineering, and math, of course. dozens of scientists are visiting area schools to encourage students to consider those fields. >> if an art student was looking at this particular design they would say it's a repetitive pattern. if the scientist waslo
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would say it's a water molecule. >> speakers are from motoring a two-day festival planned at the washington convention center. takes place next month to spark student interest in math and science. it will feature thousands of hands-on activities and live performances. i'm tracee wilkins in northeast washington where we are expecting a number of people to gather here at the deanwood metro station and pay their respects to a 15-year-old largo high school student. devonte washington was here at the metro station with his mother and two sisters when a 17-year-old walked up to him and shot him for what d.c. police say was apparently no reason at all. we spoke with community activists here who have organized a vigil happening tonight at 7:00 p.m. coming up on news4 at 5:00, they explain what they're hoping this vigil will accomplish.
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>> thanks, tracee. a bizarre hostage situation is capturing the world's attention. we're hearing from an american who was on board the flight in which a man with a fake explosive belt suddenly took over. >> you're watching news4 at 4:00. they say character is what you do when no one is watching. david trone banned the box so people who've paid their debt to society could have a chance. and fought so hard for criminal justice reform, they named a center after him. and because education was his way out david offered it free to employees.
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r benefits. evening the playing field has always been david's mission. in congress it'll be his job. it's not how you run, it's how you live. i'm david trone and i approve this message. wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws,
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she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising. we've got some breaking news right now. chopper4 is live over the scene in montgomery county where an
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this is on amherst avenue, and you can see the vehicle smashed right into the front of the store. there's a lot of damage to the front of the 7-eleven. we don't know about people inside, but we do know no one was hurt. no word yet exactly how this crash happened. again, this is breaking news in wheaton. live pictures from the 7-eleven store where an suv plowed right through the front windows. we'll follow this story and have the latest on the nbc washington app. we are hearing harrowing firsthand accounts from passengers aboard a hijacked egypt air flight. the flight left alexandria, egypt, for cairo but was diverted to cyprus after a man with a suicide belt hijacked the plane. one passenger said they thought they'd come to the end of the line. gabe gutierrez is in cyprus with more on this.
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authorities say the man has a criminal record that includes forge forgery, burglary, and drug dealing. he breezed through airport security because his explosive belt was fake. an egyptian foreign ministry official telling the media, he's not a terrorist, he's an idiot. ms-118 took off from alexandria bound for cairo before being diverted to cyprus. 72 passengers on board, including 8 americans. among them this woman from new york. >> i texted my husband saying, okay, i got kidnapped. >> reporter: she says the flight attendants were calm and didn't tell passengers about the hijacking until they landed. >> at this moment the people started to really panic. i stayed like shocked for 15 minutes and i keep saying, are you serious? >> reporter: the hijacker kept the fly crew and men with foreign passports on board. one of the pilots scrambled out
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the hijacker eventually surrendered. this whole incident has raised new questions about egyptian airport security six months after isis claimed it brought down a russian jet. as for the motive, this remains unclear, but authorities say the hijacker demanded to speak with his ex-wife who lives here. gabe gutierrez, nbc news, cyprus. and now at 5:00, we're following some big stories at this hour. police are back out searching for answers after a murder at a lakeside home in virginia. plus, big barriers are causing a traffic mess downtown, and it's a security shutdown you're going to be avoiding for days. and that hospital cyber attack was more than just an inconvenience. there are new reports that this is ransomware. >> i'm chris laurence in for jim handly. >> and i'm wendy rieger. there's been an arrest tonight in a murder for hire scheme. police say a man wanted his wife dead and was willing to pay a hit man to kill her.
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us that hit man was really an undercover police officer. >> reporter: chris, howard county police tell me that the couple lived together in this gated townhouse community here behind me. they say the wife had no idea that her husband was allegedly plotting to kill her. we got a look at the charging documents. he was asked do you want your wife to suffer? and he said, just end it. arrested in a murder-for-hire scheme. police say 36-year-old aafaq manejwala wanted to pay thousands of dollars to have his wife killed. police say he wanted the hit man to do the job right here at their town home in this gated community on polished pebble way in howard county. he wanted it staged to look like a home invasion robbery or burglary. >> we were fortunate in this case because we received a tip. we got information that this man from laurel ha b


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